6 Signs You Need to Detox This Fall
Fall is the perfect time for a system reboot! A great way to cleanse your body and reset going into winter is by tuning up your diet, supporting your gut and detoxing your liver. Eliminating sugar, especially long-term has numerous health benefits, such as increased energy, better mood, better sleep, better sex and a slimmer figure! Read on for more!
You’re Moody, Anxious or Depressed
I get it, when you’re feeling low, moody or anxious, sugar is your best friend. It boosts all those feel-good neurotransmitters and signals a dopamine surge to give us a temporary high. The problem is, on the other end of the sugar high is the inevitable crash that leaves us feeling even worse than before. In reality, sugar is a drug and it can be extremely addictive. Break the cycle! Sugar is toxic to the brain and increases inflammation, ramps up stress hormones and sends out distress signals via the vagus nerve, fuelling depression and anxiety.
Your Skin is Breaking Out
Breaking out around your cycle every month or dealing with acne regularly? Sugar is a big culprit. Too much sugar in our diet drives our bodies to become acidic, congested and toxic.
Balancing your hormones and getting rid of acne come down to getting your insulin under control and that starts with eliminating the root cause of imbalance to begin with: SUGAR.
Your Energy Isn’t What It Used to Be
Energy seems like a rare commodity these days! If you’re crashing during the day, waking up tired or not sleeping at night, something needs to change. Imbalanced blood sugar creates those highs and lows throughout the day and can almost leave you feeling hungover in the morning. Cleaning up your diet will help and we would love to support you in this!
You Can’t Think Quite As Clearly
If you feel like you’re living in a perpetual cloud of brain fog, can’t seem to find your words or remember simple things as well as you used to, it’s time to detox! Brain fog has many factors: poor gut health and dysbiosis, improper diet high in sugars and chemicals, a congested liver, high cortisol, hypothyroidism, heavy metal toxicity, etc. You’re in control of your cognitive function and you don’t need to lose it just because you’re getting older.
You Have Sugar Cravings & A Cranky Gut
No one wants to deal with bloating, gas, acid reflux or stomach pain on a regular (or even semi-regular) basis. If you have these symptoms, don’t ignore them, they’re very important signals of dis-ease in the body! We need a certain amount of “bad” bacteria in our gut, but the unhealthy bacteria and other harmful microbes LOVE sugar - It’s their favourite fuel! In fact, if you have sugar cravings, it’s likely your gut bacteria dictating them! Additionally, candida overgrowth is a common cause of cravings, bloating, IBS, brain fog and fatigue and you CAN heal through changing your nutrition, cutting out sugars and getting on the right supplements to help bring your gut back into balance.
Your Immune System is Struggling
If you seem to get every bug that goes through the office or school, get sick more than 1-2 times a year or have been on antibiotics throughout your life, that’s a good sign your immune system needs support. Studies have shown that refined sugar has the ability to suppress immune cell function by up to 50% for up to 5 hours after consumption! It’s also the #1 fuel for cancer cells. So a little bit of sugar here and there can have a much bigger impact than we realize.
At Winnipeg Nutrition, we don’t do fad diets or detox teas. We use studied herbs, nutrients and foods to help you detox to feel your best. Reach out today for more details!
Asher Kleiber
Registered Holistic Nutritionist