Why You Need to Fix Your Gut for Optimal Energy
The vast majority of people are turning to substances like caffeine, sugar and energy drinks for an energy boost, but are completely missing the real reason they’re exhausted all the time. Not only do those stimulants not address the root cause of fatigue, but they actually deplete your energy in the long run, by further exhausting your adrenal glands and depleting minerals.
For abundant energy, you need the right foods to be optimally nourished, but you also need to improve your digestive function to be able to properly digest, absorb and utilize all those nutrients! Additionally, essential areas such as liver detoxification and the nervous system are often overlooked.
We must optimize these areas for healthy digestion and energy production:
Stomach Acid Insufficiency
It may surprise you that optimal stomach acid levels are essential for not just digestion, but energy production also, and most people actually have insufficient levels! Hydrochloric acid has a very low pH, meaning it’s highly acidic and very effective for aiding the breakdown of proteins and keeping out pathogens like bad bacteria and viruses. It also kickstarts the digestive process and is needed for energy-promoting nutrients like iron and B12 to be absorbed.
Digestive Enzyme Production
Digestive enzymes produced in the pancreas and small intestine are key for the proper breakdown and utilization of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, which are then converted into energy. If enzyme production is insufficient, this slows digestion and metabolism, creates nutritional deficiencies and makes our digestion and overall system less efficient, depleting our energy.
Clearing Hidden Infections & Dysbiosis
Did you know that hidden infections, such as bacteria, parasites, yeast and viruses, are a major cause of fatigue? Additionally, they can cause reactions like bloating, heartburn, diarrhea, pain and irritation in the gut, as well as brain fog, skin rashes, pain, poor mood and insomnia.
While pathogenic (disease-causing) infections are more rare (although present at times), we very frequently see imbalances when we run GI-MAP on our clients. Common ones are H. Pylori, bacterial overgrowth or SIBO, candida and parasites, that are the culprits for their pain, bloating, constipation, food sensitivities and fatigue.
Optimizing Bacterial Balance and Diversity
With GI-MAP, we frequently see big imbalances in the gut that are missed on standard stool and blood tests. We are also able to assess if you have enough healthy bacteria in your microbiome. Inadequate levels of beneficial bacteria can lead to symptoms inside and outside the gut, including low energy, bloating, rashes and brain fog. Who would’ve thought that your bloating and low energy were so connected!?
Repairing Leaky Gut & Small Intestinal Health
The small intestine is where the majority of your nutrients are absorbed, so it requires special attention. Foods, chemicals such as glyphosate in food, stress, medications and other factors can all affect the health of the gut lining, contributing to leaky gut. When this area is inflamed and damaged, we aren’t able to properly convert food into energy. Furthermore, this promotes the development food allergies or sensitivities, which also deplete our energy. This is an area we must focus on to properly restore both energy and digestion.
How To Easily Assess Digestive Function with GI-MAP
Inside my 1:1 Gut Restore Program, I utilize GI-MAP, which is the gold-standard in functional digestive testing. This test doesn’t just tell you what infections or imbalances are present, but it quantifies the amount of each microbe present. This allows us to craft a highly personalized and effective nutrition and supplement protocol that is specific to you and your gut!
To learn more about the Gut Restore Program and GI-MAP click here, and book your free call with me now!
Asher Kleiber
Registered Holistic Nutritionist