6 Incredible Superfoods for Balanced Hormones
At Winnipeg Nutrition, we firmly believe that food is medicine. Nature provides the most amazing tools to help us heal and stay balanced - that includes our hormones too! Here are some superfoods to add to your healthy diet for more balanced hormones.
Turmeric is a long-time favourite, known for its incredible anti-inflammatory properties. Excess inflammation creates excess cortisol, which drives stress and anxiety, thyroid and adrenal dysfunction and wreaks havoc on our mood and libido. Turmeric helps reduce inflammation and the inflammatory prostaglandins associated with pain. Curcumin may also be taken as a supplement for added benefits and convenience.
Did you know that eggs are amazing for your hormones!? Eggs are like little, perfectly packaged multivitamins, loaded with nutrients your body craves. Eggs contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids which help improve energy, reduce inflammation and optimize cholesterol levels. Their fat, B vitamins and protein can help curb cravings and keep you fuller longer. They also contain selenium, which you’ll learn more about below. Always choose happy, organic and free-range eggs.
There’s some controversy over whether or not to eat goitrogenic foods like broccoli and cauliflower when dealing with thyroid issues, but these foods can actually be very helpful for thyroid function when eaten in moderation. Broccoli is great for supporting liver detoxification, which aids in the elimination of excess hormones like estrogen. It also contains fibre which further supports elimination and detoxification through the bowels. Additionally, it is rich in vitamin C for immune health and collagen production for youthful skin and joints. Broccoli is most nutritious and best for thyroid health and digestion when slightly steamed, bright green in colour and slightly firm.
Brazil Nuts
Brazil nuts may seem underwhelming, but they are super rich in selenium, a crucial mineral and antioxidant for thyroid health. In addition to helping fight free radical damage, selenium plays a key role in the thyroid's ability to produce thyroid hormone. You don't need much selenium, in fact you don't want to overdo the brazil nuts, just 3 per day will provide adequate selenium, if you're adequately digesting and absorbing it, that is. Give your thyroid some love and add a few brazil nuts to your diet daily!
Pumpkin Seeds
If you have PCOS, you likely have high testosterone levels, which can result in oily skin and hair, hairs growing where they shouldn't be (like your chin and chest - yikes!), acne and difficult, painful periods. Pumpkin seeds can help! These little seeds are not only rich in protein and healthy fats to keep blood sugar balanced, but they are also loaded with zinc. Zinc is a necessary mineral for healthy testosterone levels, plus it boosts libido and helps support immunity. Top up your salad, stir fry or gluten free oats with pumpkin seeds this week for some extra zinc.
If you’re not already eating flaxseeds daily, get on board with this hormone superfood! Flaxseeds contain soluble fibre which support digestion, elimination, aid good bacterial balance and the elimination of estrogens. Flaxseeds are a great addition for anyone dealing with estrogen dominance symptoms, such as weight gain, mood swings, acne, period cramps, breast tenderness, fatigue, irregular periods and more. Throw some freshly ground flax into smoothies, coconut yogurt or add it to some yummy paleo muffins!
Nutrition is powerful - but it can also be confusing! Book your 1-on-1 consultation with us by emailing hello@winnipegnutrition.com and get started on your journey back to balance.
Asher Kleiber
Registered Holistic Nutritionist™