7 Signs You Have A Candida Infection and How to Clear It
What is Candida?
Candida is a commensal, non-pathogenic fungus or yeast that naturally occurs both in the body and on the skin. When in balance, candida is perfectly normal and healthy, but when the microbial balance in the gut is thrown off, it can begin to overgrow, creating issues like fatigue, bloating, joint pain, sugar cravings and brain fog. Candida can also occur in both children and adults. In fact, children can be born with it depending on the state of the mother’s microbiome.
What Causes Candida Overgrowth?
Some of the most common causes of candida include:
Antibiotic use
Antacid medications
Glyphosate from non-organic foods
Conventional meats
High sugar diet
Birth control pills
Low stomach acid
Leaky gut
C-section birth & bottle feeding
Heavy metal toxicity
Having other gut infections
Constipation & slow gut motility
Common Signs & Symptoms:
You have or have had yeast infections, toe nail fungus or jock itch.
These symptoms can be uncomfortable and embarrassing to talk about, but they are candida symptoms you don't want to ignore! For women, the same yeast that causes vaginal infections can interfere with digestion, brain function and hormones.
You have rashes or itchy skin. Eczema, acne, itchy spots and white or red rashes can all point towards candida in the gut. When there’s candida in the gut, this throws off the skin-biome - the ecosystem of bacteria and fungus on the skin! To fix the skin, you must heal the gut.
You struggle with brain fog and trouble focusing. Brain fog is a major symptom, due to acetylaldehyde and gliotoxins produced by candida, that are toxic to the brain. Anxiety, depression and irritability can also occur. In children, candida can make it seem as if they’re drunk after eating sugar because of the alcohol that’s produced! For some people with candida, just one glass of wine can make them feel ill.
You have a white coated tongue and bad breath. Also called “oral thrush”, this is a tell-tale sign there’s candida in your gut that you can easily check for first thing in the morning. All the mouthwash in the world won’t help until you clear the gut infection and support your liver!
You crave sugar allllll the time! This is such a common symptom of candida that we hear our clients struggle with when they first come see us. Candida feeds on sugar, so if this sounds like you, you would very likely benefit from a candida cleanse.
You have digestive problems like bloating, pain, gas, constipation or diarrhea. As candida worsens, it actually CAUSES leaky gut by making holes the gut lining with its roots. This can not only lead to digestive issues, but other symptoms such as headaches, fatigue and body pain.
You have joint or muscle pain. One of the reasons candida contributes to pain is because it produces toxins that create inflammation, which can cause muscle and joint pain. Once again, this happens due to a leaky gut lining and removing the infection is crucial to healing it.
How You Can Start Clearing Candida
Adapt a clean, candida-friendly diet. Your diet should include plenty of non-starchy vegetables, herbs, organic meats and healthy fats. Coconut oil and garlic are great anti-candida foods.
Avoid foods that fuel candida. These include refined sugars, refined carbohydrates, sugary drinks and alcohol.
Work with a Holistic Nutritionist to help clear the infection using anti-fungal and antimicrobial herbs. Common ingredients used include pau d’arco, caprylic acid, olive leaf and black walnut.
Reduce stress!
Have you ever done a candida cleanse? What was your experience like?
Asher Kleiber
Registered Holistic Nutritionist™