Magnesium 101: Your Guide On The Best Forms & Uses for Magnesium
Magnesium is an essential mineral with a wide range of benefits, supporting everything from gut health and adrenal function to cardiovascular health, sleep, and energy production. With so many types of magnesium supplements available, choosing the right one can feel overwhelming. In today’s blog, we’ll simplify the decision-making process by exploring the main forms of magnesium, how to choose the best one for your unique needs, and tips for identifying high-quality supplements…

Easy Ways to Support The Mind-Gut Connection This Christmas Season
You may have heard of the mind-gut connection, otherwise known as the gut-brain connection, but what is this really referring to and is it really founded on science? In this article, we’ll discuss what the mind-gut connection is, how it impacts a variety of areas of your health and how you can support this crucial connection in easy, attainable ways this Christmas season and beyond…

5 Steps to Detox for Less Bloating, More Energy & Clearer Skin This Spring
In today's fast-paced world, our bodies can easily become overwhelmed with toxins from our environment, processed foods and everyday exposures. These toxins can wreak havoc on our digestive system, tank our energy, create issues with our hormones…

Create Your 2024 Holistic Wellness Plan
Happy New Year!
Going into a new year, it can feel both exciting and overwhelming as you set new goals, create new habits and develop healthy routines. In 2024, prioritizing our well-being has never been more crucial. In this blog post, we'll explore a step-by-step guide to creating your wellness plan for 2024, ensuring not only physical health but also mental and emotional balance…

Symptoms of Gluten Sensitivity + Tips for Going Gluten-Free
Following a gluten-free diet is extremely popular as more and more people discover they feel significantly better avoiding gluten. Gluten can cause a variety of digestive-related symptoms, as well as systemic symptoms. In this article, we’ll discuss why you may want to consider going gluten-free and how to best go about…

How Inflammation Fuels Hormonal Imbalances + Our Top 10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods!
Inflammation is at the root of nearly every disease process. It contributes to hormonal imbalances, such as HPA-axis dysfunction, hypothyroidism, infertility, PCOS, irregular periods, as well as PMS and menopausal symptoms. The good news? There’s a lot you can do to bring inflammation down!

Easy Nutritional Ways to Support Elimination for Healthy Hormones
If you’ve been trying everything to balance your hormones, have more energy, improve your mood and feel balanced, but you haven’t addressed your gut health, you’re missing a huge piece of the puzzle. You can’t have healthy hormones without a healthy microbiome, good nutrition and efficient elimination…

5 Strategies for Effectively Eradicating Candida
Candida albicans, a fungus, is the most common form of candida overgrowth in the gut. It can lead to numerous symptoms within the gut and systemically, such as gas, bloating, constipation, brain fog, skin problems, immune system dysfunction, thyroid issues and more. Today we’re going to cover how you can begin to rebalance your gut and clear candida overgrowth holistically…

Candida: Signs, Symptoms & Surprising Root Causes
Candida overgrowth can occur for many reasons, but ultimately, it happens when the microbes in the gut shift in an unhealthy direction. This is extremely common due to the use of antibiotics, birth control pills, NSAIDs and the Standard American Diet high in sugar, processed foods and even tap water. When the immune system is suppressed for any reason…

Don’t Make These 5 Common Gut-Healing Mistakes
If you’ve been trying to fix your gut issues on your own, without the support of a practitioner, and you’re feeling stuck, you’re likely making some key mistakes. Keep reading to learn about the 5 common mistakes we see our clients make when starting their gut-healing journey…

How Your Gut Influences Stress and Anxiety
Inside our digestive system lives trillions of nerves. This network of nerves is called the “enteric nervous system” and it has a major impact on how your brain functions. However, when the nervous system is always kicked into overdrive from stress, this can be a main contributor to gut issues, and vice versa…

5 Surprising Affects of Constipation
It’s common to think that being constipated only affects your ability to eliminate waste, makes your gut feel unwell or contributes to bloating. In reality, the affects of constipation and not having healthy, regular bowel movements go far beyond…

Is Fibre Really Good For Gut Health?
This topic is continually debated about, so if you’re confused about fibre and whether or not it really is good for your gut, you’re not alone. We know from research that fibre is very important for a healthy microbiome, but “just eat more fibre” is NOT the answer to gut problems like constipation or bloating…

Is Gut Dysbiosis Creating Hormonal Chaos?
If you’ve been dealing with symptoms like painful, heavy or irregular periods, mood swings, hormonal acne, PCOS, endometriosis, bloating and weight gain, there’s a good chance you’re dealing with gut dysbiosis and estrogen dominance…

Our Top 9 Herbs & Foods for Parasites
Intestinal parasites are very real and surprisingly quite common. In previous blogs, we discussed some of the symptoms of parasites, including nagging gut issues that won’t seem to go away.
So how do we get rid of them?

Gut Issues, Insomnia & Skin Rashes? Test for Parasites
Have you had long-standing digestive issues like bloating, loose stools or abdominal pain? Have you been struggling with strange rashes, itchy skin or cystic acne? Do you have anemia or chronic fatigue? What about reactions to foods, mysterious joint pain, anxiety or trouble sleeping?

Parasites: How We Get Them & How To Prevent Them
There’s a saying in natural medicine that goes “if you’re breathing, you have parasites”. Now I get that might seem gross, but the fact is that we encounter different bugs, including parasites…

Are We Looking At Hypothyroidism Wrong?
With thyroid conditions on the rise, it’s important that we address the root cause of these conditions, not simply the symptoms. Why are millions of women (and men) dealing with hidden thyroid conditions and what can we do to heal…

3 Essential Tips for Lowering Inflammation
Inflammation is at the root of nearly all chronic disease. From heart disease and diabetes, to anxiety and depression, to hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, fatigue and poor immune function…

A Root Cause of Anxiety and Gut Issues You’ve Never Heard Of
The nervous system is an underrated aspect of our health that needs a lot more attention. It consists of the brain, spinal cord and trillions of nerves throughout the body that control our entire system. Today, I want to talk about one specific nerve that has a massive impact on how our body functions: The Vagus Nerve…