Optimizing Your Ovulatory Phase
Optimizing Your Ovulatory Phase
In our last blog, we talked all about optimizing the follicular phase, where the ovaries have been preparing an egg for ovulation. Following the follicular phase, we have the ovulatory phase, which typically occurs around days 13-15. During this time, estrogen levels spike, triggering the release of luteinizing hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland, which results in the release of a mature egg ready for fertilization. Estrogen also stimulates the growth of the uterine lining in order to thicken it for implantation.
As estrogen peaks, not only are you the most fertile, but your creativity increases, your hair and skin may look better and you’re naturally more inclined to be social during this time. There is a mild increase in progesterone and testosterone levels peak, giving you a boost in libido, energy and motivation! This is a great time to take on new projects, tackle difficult conversations and schedule events like public speaking or host parties.
Whether your goal is get to pregnant or not, it’s important that you are still ovulating, as it sets you up for the luteal phase following it. When you begin to understand and take advantage of the different phases in your cycle, you’ll feel a confidence at a whole new level!
Nutrition For The Ovulatory Phase
Supporting your gut and liver health are crucial during this time, as the body requires effective detoxification of estrogens. If detoxification is not functioning at its best, this can set the body up for infertility, PCOS, PMS and a difficult luteal and menstrual phase.
Here are some ways to support your ovulatory phase with nutrition:
Consume plenty of liver-friendly foods, including cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, garlic, onions, as well as dark leafy greens, dandelion tea and turmeric. These foods support the liver’s ability to detoxify excess estrogens and keep the peace between estrogen and progesterone.
These foods will also help support the gall bladder, an often underrated organ for hormonal balance. Consider also adding bitter foods, such as radicchio, endive, dandelion leaves and arugula to support gall bladder health.
Additionally, you’ll want to consume foods to support the digestive system, including: whole, organic foods, meats, fibre-rich vegetables, squashes, avocados, unrefined oils, fatty fish and probiotic foods like sauerkraut.
It’s important to note that if the bowels are under active and you’re not having 2-3 fully formed bowel movements every single day, this will lead to poor detoxification, increased toxicity and therefore negatively impact hormonal balance.
Avoiding inflammatory foods, such as refined sugars, carbohydrates and oils, as well as gluten and dairy can help support the gut and liver also, benefiting overall hormone function. Alcohol is also a big no-go!
Fasting During Ovulation
As I shared in a previous article, fasting as a woman should look different during the different phases of the cycle. You’ll do well to fast between 13-15 hours daily during this time (days 11-15) and consider ramping up your fasting length around day 16-19 when the body is more adept to longer fasts.
Supporting Ovulation with Lifestyle
One area we’ve yet to discuss in this series is xenoestrogens, which are estrogen-mimicking chemicals in our environment, such as from beauty products, hair products, non-stick pans and synthetic fragrances. Reducing and avoiding these chemicals is especially important for fertility, to optimize ovulation, support easier periods and promote overall hormone balance.
Additionally, getting a handle on stress during this time will help support optimal levels of DHEA, progesterone and testosterone, as cortisol depletes these key hormones.
When it comes to exercise, this tends to be a time where you feel more energy and endurance, so consider increasing the intensity of your workouts.
Where to Begin?
Hormone optimization is not one-size-fits-all. Starting with the proper testing is essential to crafting a personalized nutrition, supplement and lifestyle program that will be effective for you and your body.
Email us today at nutrition.winnipeg@gmail.com to learn more and get started!
Fast Like A Girl by Dr. Mindy Peltz
Beyond The Pill by Dr. Jolene Brighten