How to Interpret Your DUTCH Test & What it Means For Your Fertility
The DUTCH test is the most comprehensive test available to help you get an accurate picture of what is really going on with your hormones. In today’s blog, we’ll share some insights on what your DUTCH test results could mean when it comes to your fertility, common results we see in our practice and how to properly assess your levels with your provider…

How the DUTCH Test Can Help You Optimize Fertility
If you’ve already exhausted your options with your conventional doctor and are still struggling with your fertility, you may want to consider the DUTCH test. Getting your hormones tested to help optimize your fertility and increase your chances of conceiving naturally is becoming more popular as more women are discovering the benefits of functional hormone testing.

Magnesium 101: Your Guide On The Best Forms & Uses for Magnesium
Magnesium is an essential mineral with a wide range of benefits, supporting everything from gut health and adrenal function to cardiovascular health, sleep, and energy production. With so many types of magnesium supplements available, choosing the right one can feel overwhelming. In today’s blog, we’ll simplify the decision-making process by exploring the main forms of magnesium, how to choose the best one for your unique needs, and tips for identifying high-quality supplements…

6 Benefits of Collagen for Women in Their 30’s and 40’s
Collagen is a well-known beauty supplement, but there is so much more to collagen than meets the eye. As a woman focused on optimizing fertility, maintaining youthful skin, and supporting hormonal balance, collagen peptides can be a fantastic addition to your wellness routine. In this blog, we’ll talk about the top 6 benefits of collagen peptides and how to choose the best type of collagen for optimal results...

6 Reasons to Avoid Refined Sugar When Trying to Conceive
We get that your fertility journey can feel overwhelming. One area we highly recommend prioritizing is your diet, particularly reducing your refined sugar intake (for men and women.) Refined sugar is seemingly everywhere in modern diets, but it can have adverse effects on your body, especially when you're trying to conceive...

Hidden Dangers of Toxins On Women’s Hormones
In our modern world, we are surrounded by a myriad of toxins that can have significant impacts on our health. While everyone is susceptible to these environmental hazards, women, in particular, face unique challenges. Toxins in the environment, household products, and even…

Top 6 Holistic Solutions for PCOS
If you have PCOS, it can feel nearly impossible to lose weight, regulate your periods and have thriving fertility. But there are many ways you can support the body’s natural, innate ability to regulate and heal. Underlying factors like insulin resistance…

How Insulin Resistance Drives PCOS & Infertility
If you have PCOS, you likely already know its strong connection to infertility, but did you know that insulin resistance is one of the main underlying causes of both of these conditions? Insulin affects…

The #1 Cause Of PCOS
PCOS is a complex metabolic condition primarily involving the endocrine system. It is the most common endocrine problem for women of reproductive age and has been shown to affect up to 10-20%, or over 5 million women in the US. Unfortunately…

How Cortisol Impacts Your Hormones As A Woman
Cortisol is known as the body’s main stress hormone, but it does a lot more than make us feel stressed or anxious. It has a wide-spread impact on the variety of hormones and systems throughout the body. This article will give you a high-level look at how elevated cortisol levels can impact various hormones and hormonal conditions, such as insulin, PCOS, fertility, thyroid health and PMS…

Keys To Calm In Your Luteal Phase
Last time, in part 3 of our 4-part series, we discussed how to optimize the Ovulatory Phase of the menstrual cycle. Today we’ll be breaking down how you can encourage a healthy and balanced luteal phase to feel your best in the week or so leading up to your period…

Optimizing Your Ovulatory Phase
In our last blog, we talked all about optimizing the follicular phase, where the ovaries have been preparing an egg for ovulation. Following the follicular phase, we have the ovulatory phase, which typically occurs around days 13-15…

Your Guide to Thriving in Your Follicular Phase
In this 4-part series, we’re sharing all about how you can optimize your nutrition, focus your exercise and adjust your lifestyle to thrive throughout the 28-day menstrual cycle. In our last article, we talked about the Menstrual Phase (days 1-7) and shared how you can begin to adapt these areas to promote easier periods. Today, we’re talking about the the Follicular Phase, which the menstrual phase is technically a part of…

How Inflammation Fuels Hormonal Imbalances + Our Top 10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods!
Inflammation is at the root of nearly every disease process. It contributes to hormonal imbalances, such as HPA-axis dysfunction, hypothyroidism, infertility, PCOS, irregular periods, as well as PMS and menopausal symptoms. The good news? There’s a lot you can do to bring inflammation down!

You're Not Running the Right Thyroid Tests
Hypothyroidism, which is characterized by an underactive thyroid gland, can have a significant impact on how you feel and function. While hypothyroidism can occur in both men and women, it’s more likely to be present if you’re a women. In this article, we’ll discuss common symptoms of hypothyroidism, why hypothyroidism is frequently missed by conventional tests…

3 Ways Stress Impacts Fertility
Stress is a commonly overlooked area that has a major affect on fertility. If you’ve simply been told to reduce stress, or that your issues are “all in your head”, that’s not what I’m saying here. But how we react and respond to stress does significantly impact our hormones…

Why You Should Practice Seed Cycling for Hormonal Balance + Recipe!
Seed cycling is an effective and relatively inexpensive nutritional therapy that makes a great addition to your hormone-balancing protocol. As women, we experience natural fluctuations in our hormones throughout the month and have different nutritional, physical and psychological requirements and desires depending on the time of the month. Before we dive into how to do seed cycling, let’s talk about the different phases of our cycle…