Don’t Make These 5 Common Gut-Healing Mistakes
If you’ve been trying to fix your gut issues on your own, without the support of a practitioner, and you’re feeling stuck, you’re likely making some key mistakes. Keep reading to learn about the 5 common mistakes we see our clients make when starting their gut-healing journey.
You’re Eating Hidden Inflammatory Foods
There’s a pretty good chance that if you’ve been trying to heal your gut without following any real plan, there are foods you’ve been eating that are inhibiting your gut healing progress. For our clients, doing a nutrition reset and elimination diet helps reset your system by removing common inflammatory foods to give you a solid, clean foundation to work from. By removing these inflammatory foods, you’re reducing the strain on your gut, immune system and other systems within your body to allow for healing.
You’re Not Running the RIGHT Tests (or any tests at all!)
There’s one major reason we use GI-MAP with our clients: it helps us look DEEPER at the underlying root cause of your symptoms, in order to craft more targeted protocols to get you results. Conventional GI testing is a whole different game. It’s frequently lacking specificity and accuracy and it still doesn’t tend to uncover the reason behind the symptoms or inflammation.
On the other hand, GI-MAP is a highly accurate, highly specific, quantitative test that assess your gut on the genetic level. This is why I use GI-MAP in my Gut Restore Deep Dive Program.
You’re Focusing On The Wrong Things
Have you ever thought to yourself:
“If I could just fix my bloating or pain, then everything would be better.”
You’re not alone in thinking this. But focusing on “fixing” the symptoms aren’t the right approach to restoring your gut. You have to take a step back and ask why you got here in the first place. You don’t have IBS or bloating because you have IBS or bloating. There are no quick fixes or magic pills to heal your gut (no matter how many people online tell you so!) Focusing on the symptoms, or even trying to just “kill the bug” if you know you have dysbiosis, isn’t going to work. You need to take a holistic approach to rebalancing your microbiome.
You’re Doing Things in The Wrong Order
If you’ve ever tried taking a gut-healing product or probiotics without first properly assessing your gut health with testing, clearing infections and overgrowths and supporting your nervous system and drainage, you probably didn’t get very far. Restoring digestive health isn’t an overnight process and you can’t just take random probiotics and expect all your bloating, pain and constipation to disappear. There is a system and a process that must be followed to get lasting results.
You’re Not Addressing Your Nervous System
You have a nervous system inside your digestive tract that has an incredible impact on the health of your gut. If you’ve been eating well, taking supplements and doing everything possible to heal, but you haven’t made progress, consider your nervous system as a missing piece. If you’re constantly stressed, worried, anxious and not sleeping well, it’s going to be pretty challenging to get the results you’re looking for with your gut health.
It’s time for you to get the support you need on your gut-healing journey!
Check out our Programs & Packages to learn more about how we can help!
Asher Kleiber
Registered Holistic Nutritionist