How to Interpret Your DUTCH Test & What it Means For Your Fertility
The DUTCH test is the most comprehensive test available to help you get an accurate picture of what is really going on with your hormones. In today’s blog, we’ll share some insights on what your DUTCH test results could mean when it comes to your fertility, common results we see in our practice and how to properly assess your levels with your provider…

How the DUTCH Test Can Help You Optimize Fertility
If you’ve already exhausted your options with your conventional doctor and are still struggling with your fertility, you may want to consider the DUTCH test. Getting your hormones tested to help optimize your fertility and increase your chances of conceiving naturally is becoming more popular as more women are discovering the benefits of functional hormone testing.

Don’t Make These 5 Common Gut-Healing Mistakes
If you’ve been trying to fix your gut issues on your own, without the support of a practitioner, and you’re feeling stuck, you’re likely making some key mistakes. Keep reading to learn about the 5 common mistakes we see our clients make when starting their gut-healing journey…

8 Steps to Start Balancing Your Hormones for Weight Loss
There are many things you can do naturally to support your hormones in order to lose weight. First we want to build a healthy foundation. Building a healthy foundation consists of making certain nutritional and lifestyle changes, then we can build upon it with more targeted, specific nutrients, supplements that are specific to your body and needs.

How to Restore Balance with Functional Medicine
Your body is always fighting for you.
I know it often seems like it's fighting against you, but it's really not. It's working hard around the clock to bring you back into balance. It's a term called homeostasis, which is "any self-regulating process by which biological systems tend to maintain stability, while adjusting to conditions that are optimal for survival."

7 Simple Tools to Improve Your Gut Health & Signs It Needs Some Love
We’ve all heard the saying “You are what you eat”, right? Well, many health practitioners agree it goes far beyond that. A more accurate phrase would be “You are what you DIGEST”. You could be eating all the “right” foods, but if you aren’t digesting those foods adequately or absorbing nutrients properly, all that kale won’t really help you now, will it?

9 Ways to Heal Adrenal Fatigue
Now that you know what adrenal fatigue is and some of the underlying factors, let’s learn about how you can heal! Here are 9 ways to support your adrenals and start to heal the root cause…