How to Effectively Detox Your Liver
From filtering the blood and aiding fatty acid breakdown, to removing excess hormones and waste, supporting immunity and normalizing cholesterol levels, the liver is not an organ you want to neglect!
Symptoms of Liver Toxicity:
Joint & muscle pain
Dark bags under eyes
Skin or eye problems
Digestive issues like constipation, nausea, bloating or pain
PMS, PCOS, Endometriosis
Weight gain
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Chemical sensitivities
Mood changes
Before You Detox
Jumping into intense detox protocols you found on the internet can be quite dangerous, so be sure to work with someone educated in this area. Before starting the detox process, the first thing you want to make sure of is that you're going to the bathroom properly. Don't overlook this step! If you have slow transit time and you're not evacuating your bowels fully at least 2x day, these can lead to the recirculation of toxins into your system, leaving you feeling ill.
Prepping For Your Detox
One of the best ways you can prep for a detox is to clear the junk foods out of the house! While this can feel extreme, having these foods around will only lead to more cravings and temptation. You’ll also want to shop ahead of time so you have ingredients for healthy meals on hand. Lastly, carving out time to prep meals and create space for rest during your detox are going to be keys to a successful cleanse.
How to Avoid Detox Reactions
If you've ever done a detox and felt absolutely horrible, know that there are ways to avoid this in the future! It could've been too intense for you, done too quickly or in the incorrect order. Your diet also needs to be supporting you and your water intake should increase to ensure toxins are being flushed out effectively. Both phase 1 and phase 2 liver detox pathways must be activated through the right foods and nutrients, or toxins won't be eliminated fully, leading to reactions.
There will likely be an adjustment period, but hang in there as it should pass in about a week or so! If you are feeling VERY unwell for longer than 3-7 days, consult your practitioner.
Basic Liver Detox Guidelines
Drink PLENTY of pure, filtered water (not tap water due to toxins).
Avoid congesting, acidic foods such as refined sugars, artificial sweeteners, breads, refined grains, dairy, gluten, chemical additives, alcohol and vegetable oils.
Fill your meals with liver-supportive veggies such as broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, beets, and a variety of dark leafy greens.
Consume organic meats and healthy fats.
Add garlic and onions, which are rich in sulphur compounds that promote liver detox.
Include liver-supportive herbs like turmeric, ginger, rosemary, cilantro, dandelion and milk thistle.
Remove foods you’re sensitive to.
Aim for 7-9 hours of deep, uninterrupted sleep.
Encourage proper elimination with flaxseed and magnesium.
Get your body moving and sweat daily to flush out toxins.
Supplements That Promote Liver Detoxification
Some natural herbs and nutrients that may help promote liver detoxification include: glutathione, milk thistle, dandelion, curcumin, sulphurophane from cruciferous vegetables, omega-3s, N-acetyl-cysteine and alpha-lipoic acid.
We also often use binders with our clients to avoid die-off reactions and support elimination of toxins and pathogens. Additionally, adrenal support and energy-promoting nutrients may be needed during detox to support energy levels and avoid fatigue.
Please note, we don't advise taking any supplements without proper guidance, as they are powerful plant medicines.
If a detox feels daunting, we provide 1-on-1 support, meal plans and can help personalize your detox!
Asher Kleiber
Registered Holistic Nutritionist™