6 Reasons to Do A Liver Cleanse This Spring
It’s almost spring, which means it’s the perfect time for a liver cleanse! The liver is our most metabolically active and hardest-working organ in our bodies, responsible for carrying out over 500 functions. Some roles include filtering toxins and bacteria, breaking down nutrients for absorption and aiding hormone balance. While the body is self-regulating, the liver often needs some extra love and support to deal with it’s everyday toxic burden.
Why Detox Your Liver?
The liver filters everything in, on and around our bodies. That means everything we breathe, touch, absorb, and ingest must go through our liver. From glyphosate in food and fluoride in our water and toothpaste, to heavy metals and estrogen-mimicking xenoestrogens in personal care products and carcinogens in our cookware, there's truly no reason NOT to support your liver!
In fact, your health depends on it.
Additionally, most of us are consuming the Standard American Diet (SAD), which consists of artificial, processed foods that are loaded with harmful chemical additives that increase our liver’s toxin load.
You're Feeling Sluggish & Tired
If you’re feeling sluggish and fatigued, there’s NO QUESTION as to whether or not your liver is involved. It affects energy levels by breaking down carbs and fats for energy, removing toxins, regulating blood sugar levels, as well as storing and releasing vitamins and minerals like iron. Liver congestion can pave the way for constipation, suppressed immune function, adrenal fatigue, hypothyroidism, poor nutrient absorption, food sensitivities and leaky gut, all which contribute to fatigue.
You've Been Sick A Lot or Want To Avoid Getting Sick
The liver should really be thought of as a key immune organ, because it plays such an important role in our immune function. It filters our blood, neutralizing and removing toxins, bacteria, viruses, heavy metals and more, and helps carry waste out of our bodies through the production of bile.
You Overdid the Sugars, Carbs & Alcohol This Winter
You probably know that too much alcohol strains the liver and can lead to liver disease, but regular intake of alcohol, sugars and refined carbohydrates all put unnecessary stress on the liver as well. Too much of these foods can lead to chronic liver congestion, overloaded detox pathways and organs, weight gain and even contribute to heart disease and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
You Get Acne or Rashes
If you have skin problems such as acne, eczema or psoriasis, or dark bags under your eyes, these are sign of an overloaded liver and digestive system. The kidneys also play a role in skin problems and the skin is considered the “third kidney” in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
You Want To Lose Weight
Packing on the pounds can be a sign that your liver needs some help! Toxins love to live in fat cells and a toxic, congested liver can play a big role in your inability to loose weight. An under functioning liver can decrease metabolism, affect thyroid hormone conversion, increase stress hormones, oxidative stress and inflammation, all which can inhibit weight loss.
You Want A Healthy Future
Even if you generally feel ok and have a healthy diet, you can still benefit highly from a liver detox! Regular detoxification through diet and lifestyle along with guided fasting and detox protocols can help ward off chronic diseases such as cancer, autoimmunity, cognitive-related illnesses, heart problems and keep you healthy well into your later years!
Always consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, supplement or lifestyle program.
If you’re interested in doing a Liver Cleanse, get connected with us via our contact page today!
Asher Kleiber
Registered Holistic Nutritionist™