Your Healthy Summer Guide For Lower Cortisol Levels
If you’re like me, you wait for summer all year long! The warmth, sunshine and fresh air are so rejuvenating, but with summer being so short, it can also be a season where we pack our schedules full, which can cause cortisol, the body’s main stress hormone, to rise. For women, maintaining a healthy…

7 Holistic Tips for Stress & Hormone Balance For The Festive Season
Christmas festivities are in full swing and the last thing that’s likely on your mind is eating mindfully and healthfully right now. Don’t worry, we’ve got some ideas to help bring some balance this season, specifically when it comes to food and your hormones…

How Your Gut Influences Stress and Anxiety
Inside our digestive system lives trillions of nerves. This network of nerves is called the “enteric nervous system” and it has a major impact on how your brain functions. However, when the nervous system is always kicked into overdrive from stress, this can be a main contributor to gut issues, and vice versa…

3 Essential Tips for Lowering Inflammation
Inflammation is at the root of nearly all chronic disease. From heart disease and diabetes, to anxiety and depression, to hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, fatigue and poor immune function…

A Root Cause of Anxiety and Gut Issues You’ve Never Heard Of
The nervous system is an underrated aspect of our health that needs a lot more attention. It consists of the brain, spinal cord and trillions of nerves throughout the body that control our entire system. Today, I want to talk about one specific nerve that has a massive impact on how our body functions: The Vagus Nerve…

5 Reasons Your Libido Vanished & How to Get It Back
Having a healthy libido and enjoying intimacy is an important sign of health as a woman (and man). While it’s common to have decreased desire at certain times of the month, if you’re missing this area of your life, that’s something you and your doctor should take note of.

The #1 Thing Stalling Your Weight Loss
You know that excess weight around your mid-section that you just can't seem to lose no matter how hard you workout, or how clean you eat? In the natural health space, we've affectionately named that the "Cortisol Belly". You're probably quite familiar with cortisol by now, the main stress hormone produced by your adrenal glands. Well, this hormone not only warns you to run away from a bear or get out of the way of a moving car…

4 Keys To Increasing Stress Resilience in 2021
Did you know that as much as 90-95% of disease is related to stress? Think about that for a minute. Stress has a MASSIVE impact on our physical and mental health, and that shouldn't be taken lightly…

7 Simple Tools to Improve Your Gut Health & Signs It Needs Some Love
We’ve all heard the saying “You are what you eat”, right? Well, many health practitioners agree it goes far beyond that. A more accurate phrase would be “You are what you DIGEST”. You could be eating all the “right” foods, but if you aren’t digesting those foods adequately or absorbing nutrients properly, all that kale won’t really help you now, will it?