Could Your Fatigue, Hair Loss, Bloating & Weight Gain Point Thyroid Imbalance?
Thyroid Health, Hormones, Weight Loss, Fatigue Asher Kleiber, RHN Thyroid Health, Hormones, Weight Loss, Fatigue Asher Kleiber, RHN

Could Your Fatigue, Hair Loss, Bloating & Weight Gain Point Thyroid Imbalance?

The amount of women that come to see us in our clinic with fatigue, hair loss, bloating, and weight gain is extremely high. While these issues can arise from a variety of causes, they are always interconnected and can be indicative of underlying thyroid problems. The thyroid, a small gland located in the neck, plays a crucial role in regulating metabolism, energy…

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Create Your 2024 Holistic Wellness Plan
Gut Health, Weight Loss, Women's Health Asher Kleiber, RHN Gut Health, Weight Loss, Women's Health Asher Kleiber, RHN

Create Your 2024 Holistic Wellness Plan

Happy New Year!

Going into a new year, it can feel both exciting and overwhelming as you set new goals, create new habits and develop healthy routines. In 2024, prioritizing our well-being has never been more crucial. In this blog post, we'll explore a step-by-step guide to creating your wellness plan for 2024, ensuring not only physical health but also mental and emotional balance…

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8 Steps to Start Balancing Your Hormones for Weight Loss
Weight Loss Asher Kleiber, RHN Weight Loss Asher Kleiber, RHN

8 Steps to Start Balancing Your Hormones for Weight Loss

There are many things you can do naturally to support your hormones in order to lose weight. First we want to build a healthy foundation. Building a healthy foundation consists of making certain nutritional and lifestyle changes, then we can build upon it with more targeted, specific nutrients, supplements that are specific to your body and needs.

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4 Healthy Drinks You’ll Love This Summer!
Adrenal Health, Thyroid Health, Blood Sugar, Weight Loss Asher Kleiber, RHN Adrenal Health, Thyroid Health, Blood Sugar, Weight Loss Asher Kleiber, RHN

4 Healthy Drinks You’ll Love This Summer!

Summer is here and we’re super excited too! It can be easy to overindulge in sweets and sweet drinks over the summer, including alcohol. While I do think it’s important to enjoy these warmer months, we also don’t want to throw our healthy living completely out the window!

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6 Reasons to Do A Liver Cleanse This Spring
Hormones, Detoxification, Gut Health, Weight Loss, Adrenal Health Asher Kleiber, RHN Hormones, Detoxification, Gut Health, Weight Loss, Adrenal Health Asher Kleiber, RHN

6 Reasons to Do A Liver Cleanse This Spring

It’s almost spring, which means it’s the perfect time for a liver cleanse! The liver is our most metabolically active and hardest-working organ in our bodies, responsible for carrying out over 500 functions. Some roles include filtering toxins and bacteria…

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The #1 Thing Stalling Your Weight Loss
Weight Loss Asher Kleiber, RHN Weight Loss Asher Kleiber, RHN

The #1 Thing Stalling Your Weight Loss

You know that excess weight around your mid-section that you just can't seem to lose no matter how hard you workout, or how clean you eat? In the natural health space, we've affectionately named that the "Cortisol Belly". You're probably quite familiar with cortisol by now, the main stress hormone produced by your adrenal glands. Well, this hormone not only warns you to run away from a bear or get out of the way of a moving car…

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5 Ways to Lower Insulin & Improve Insulin Resistance Naturally
Hormones, Fertility, Weight Loss Asher Kleiber, RHN Hormones, Fertility, Weight Loss Asher Kleiber, RHN

5 Ways to Lower Insulin & Improve Insulin Resistance Naturally

Insulin resistance has become an epidemic and chances are, unless you have diabetes, you've likely never heard of it. It's estimated that upwards of 50% of all US adults are insulin-resistant and that number is even higher in other countries. I talked about what it is in this article and today I'll unpack tools that you can use to lower insulin and begin to heal insulin-resistance naturally…

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Burned out, Moody and Gaining Weight? Consider Your Thyroid
Thyroid Health, Weight Loss, Mental Health Asher Kleiber, RHN Thyroid Health, Weight Loss, Mental Health Asher Kleiber, RHN

Burned out, Moody and Gaining Weight? Consider Your Thyroid

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the throat that secretes hormones that regulate how nearly every cell in our body functions. It’s responsible for regulating metabolism, temperature, mood and can significantly impact our energy, brain, periods and digestive function. Thyroid disorders are present in a very large percentage of the population and affect both men and women, with the majority going undiagnosed.

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Could Fasting Be the Secret to Healthy Weight Loss in 2020?
Weight Loss Asher Kleiber, RHN Weight Loss Asher Kleiber, RHN

Could Fasting Be the Secret to Healthy Weight Loss in 2020?

Fasting may seem like an extreme weight loss strategy, but it’s been used as a powerful healing tool since the beginning of time. Since the explosion of convenience foods, fasting has been turned into something that should be feared. We’re told to never miss a meal because it will slow our metabolism and make us pack on the pounds, but is this really…

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