Magnesium 101: Your Guide On The Best Forms & Uses for Magnesium
Magnesium is an essential mineral with a wide range of benefits, supporting everything from gut health and adrenal function to cardiovascular health, sleep, and energy production. With so many types of magnesium supplements available, choosing the right one can feel overwhelming. In today’s blog, we’ll simplify the decision-making process by exploring the main forms of magnesium, how to choose the best one for your unique needs, and tips for identifying high-quality supplements…

How Cortisol Impacts Your Hormones As A Woman
Cortisol is known as the body’s main stress hormone, but it does a lot more than make us feel stressed or anxious. It has a wide-spread impact on the variety of hormones and systems throughout the body. This article will give you a high-level look at how elevated cortisol levels can impact various hormones and hormonal conditions, such as insulin, PCOS, fertility, thyroid health and PMS…

How to Enhance Your Sleep Through Regulating Your Circadian Rhythms
Our bodies run on 24 hour cycles called circadian rhythms. While you may be familiar with how our circadian rhythms affect the sleep-wake cycle, they impact much more than sleep, including mood, energy and hormones, such as melatonin, cortisol, insulin and testosterone. Today we’ll be touching on ways we can begin optimizing sleep through regulating our circadian rhythms with light, nutrition, meal timing, gut health and more!

Gut Issues, Insomnia & Skin Rashes? Test for Parasites
Have you had long-standing digestive issues like bloating, loose stools or abdominal pain? Have you been struggling with strange rashes, itchy skin or cystic acne? Do you have anemia or chronic fatigue? What about reactions to foods, mysterious joint pain, anxiety or trouble sleeping?

The Incredible Health Benefits of Sun Exposure + Safe Sun Tips!
There are numerous health benefits of getting regular, safe sun exposure. We all know about the necessity of getting adequate vitamin D through sunshine, which you can read more about here, but the sun provides us with benefits beyond increasing vitamin D levels…

5 Tools for Better, Deeper Sleep
If you struggle with falling or staying asleep, there are many natural tools you can use to get better, deeper sleep. I recommend starting with your diet and sleep hygiene first (check out all the tips below!) and building upon your routine from there…

Sleep Your Way to More Balanced Hormones
If you’ve ever wondered if your sleeping habits are connected to the high levels of stress, anxiety and hormonal concerns you’re dealing with, you’re onto something. Our circadian rhythms, which are intricately linked to our sleep cycle, controls much more than just sleep. It also affects our mood, weight, energy levels, thyroid and adrenal health, fertility…

6 Ways to Get Rejuvenating Sleep Naturally
If your adrenals are overworked due to stress, this can seriously impact your sleep. If you find yourself waking up between 2-4 am, getting up too early or getting a second wind just as your head hits the pillow, you’ll want to consider your adrenal function. Our adrenal glands can become imbalanced due to stress of many kinds, including chronic stealth infections, gut issues…