5 Ways to Lower Insulin & Improve Insulin Resistance Naturally
Insulin resistance has become an epidemic and chances are, unless you have diabetes, you've likely never heard of it. It's estimated that upwards of 50% of all US adults are insulin-resistant and that number is even higher in other countries. I talked about what it is in this article and today I'll unpack tools that you can use to lower insulin and begin to heal insulin-resistance naturally…
Is Insulin Resistance Stalling Your Weight Loss?
Insulin is a very important hormone produced by the pancreas, that is responsible for lowering glucose (sugar) levels in the bloodstream. Insulin is the key that unlocks the cell, allowing sugars to leave the bloodstream and be stored inside our cells..
Is SIBO to Blame For Your Bloating, Gas and Diarrhea?
Bloating has been made the "norm", but despite popular belief, it's not normal to look 6 months pregnant by the time evening rolls around! If you wake up with a flat stomach and feel like your stomach grows 3 sizes by the end of the day, and you just can’t seem to pin-point which foods are causing your symptoms, SIBO may be the culprit…
6 Signs You Need to Detox This Fall
Fall is the perfect time for a system reboot! A great way to cleanse your body and reset going into winter is by tuning up your diet, supporting your gut and detoxing your liver. Eliminating sugar, especially long-term has numerous health benefits, such as increased energy…
Anti-Anxiety Tips for a Calm Mind
Anxiety seems like a scary word and when you’re experiencing it, it can leave you feeling overwhelmed and spiralling. Today, I’m sharing some tips you can begin implementing to stop the chaos in your mind and help you gain more control over your mood…
5 Signs It’s Time To Detox Your Liver
Fatigue is an issue for millions of people across North America and is very intertwined with our immune system! Here are a few common factors that are likely decreasing your energy and immune function…
Burned out, Moody and Gaining Weight? Consider Your Thyroid
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the throat that secretes hormones that regulate how nearly every cell in our body functions. It’s responsible for regulating metabolism, temperature, mood and can significantly impact our energy, brain, periods and digestive function. Thyroid disorders are present in a very large percentage of the population and affect both men and women, with the majority going undiagnosed.
5 Things Zapping Your Energy and Damaging Your Immune System
Fatigue is an issue for millions of people across North America and is very intertwined with our immune system! Here are a few common factors that are likely decreasing your energy and immune function…
Fix PMS With These 6 Tips
Think you're destined to suffer when that time of the month comes around? Think again! PMS is not something we need to be taken out by every time our cycle starts. Here's how you can use functional nutrition to balance your hormones naturally and stop those dreaded PMS symptoms…
A Strong Immune System Starts in Your Gut
Having a healthy gut microbiome is essential for a strong, robust immune system. In fact, 70% of our immune system is located within the gut in what is called the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT). When our trillions of gut microbes are in balance, they help us digest our food, fight off infections, support our brain and perform many other vital functions. Additionally, these microbes produce metabolites that signal and aid the immune system and various other processes in the body.
5 Natural Ways to Beat the Bloat
If you’re getting regular bloating, that’s a sign you’re likely not digesting your foods properly (or something else is!) There’s a good chance your digestive fire (stomach acid) isn’t as strong as it should be, or that you’re not producing enough digestive enzymes, resulting in insufficient digestion…
7 Simple Tools to Improve Your Gut Health & Signs It Needs Some Love
We’ve all heard the saying “You are what you eat”, right? Well, many health practitioners agree it goes far beyond that. A more accurate phrase would be “You are what you DIGEST”. You could be eating all the “right” foods, but if you aren’t digesting those foods adequately or absorbing nutrients properly, all that kale won’t really help you now, will it?
9 Ways to Heal Adrenal Fatigue
Now that you know what adrenal fatigue is and some of the underlying factors, let’s learn about how you can heal! Here are 9 ways to support your adrenals and start to heal the root cause…
Do You Have Adrenal Fatigue? Signs, Symptoms and What Actually Causes It!
Adrenal Fatigue is a stress-related condition that occurs in millions of people due to HPA-axis dysfunction. The HPA-axis refers to the connection between the hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal glands and affects a whole lot more than just your energy levels…
8 Tips for Successful Fasting
Fasting can be a little intimidating at first, but there are a few easy ways you can make your fasting experience much more enjoyable! Here are 8 tips to help you stay on track during your fast…
5 Incredible Benefits of Fasting & Who Shouldn’t Fast
In a previous article, we shared a few of the ways fasting can help you finally lose weight and keep it off this year. Today, we’re touching on some of the other incredible benefits that fasting has to offer!
5 Little-Known Mistakes That Are Ruining Your Weight Loss
There are many common misconceptions when it comes to weight loss. We’re told that eating fat makes us fat, that we need to restrict calories, that weight loss is all about will power or that we’re just not trying hard enough. If you’re committed to losing weight…
Could Fasting Be the Secret to Healthy Weight Loss in 2020?
Fasting may seem like an extreme weight loss strategy, but it’s been used as a powerful healing tool since the beginning of time. Since the explosion of convenience foods, fasting has been turned into something that should be feared. We’re told to never miss a meal because it will slow our metabolism and make us pack on the pounds, but is this really…