How to Interpret Your DUTCH Test & What it Means For Your Fertility
Fertility, Hormones, Adrenal Health, Women's Health Asher Kleiber, RHN Fertility, Hormones, Adrenal Health, Women's Health Asher Kleiber, RHN

How to Interpret Your DUTCH Test & What it Means For Your Fertility

The DUTCH test is the most comprehensive test available to help you get an accurate picture of what is really going on with your hormones. In today’s blog, we’ll share some insights on what your DUTCH test results could mean when it comes to your fertility, common results we see in our practice and how to properly assess your levels with your provider…

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How to Enhance Your Sleep Through Regulating Your Circadian Rhythms
Sleep Asher Kleiber, RHN Sleep Asher Kleiber, RHN

How to Enhance Your Sleep Through Regulating Your Circadian Rhythms

Our bodies run on 24 hour cycles called circadian rhythms. While you may be familiar with how our circadian rhythms affect the sleep-wake cycle, they impact much more than sleep, including mood, energy and hormones, such as melatonin, cortisol, insulin and testosterone. Today we’ll be touching on ways we can begin optimizing sleep through regulating our circadian rhythms with light, nutrition, meal timing, gut health and more!

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5 Tools for Better, Deeper Sleep
Sleep, Hormones Asher Kleiber, RHN Sleep, Hormones Asher Kleiber, RHN

5 Tools for Better, Deeper Sleep

If you struggle with falling or staying asleep, there are many natural tools you can use to get better, deeper sleep. I recommend starting with your diet and sleep hygiene first (check out all the tips below!) and building upon your routine from there…

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How to Restore Balance with Functional Medicine

How to Restore Balance with Functional Medicine

Your body is always fighting for you.

I know it often seems like it's fighting against you, but it's really not. It's working hard around the clock to bring you back into balance. It's a term called homeostasis, which is "any self-regulating process by which biological systems tend to maintain stability, while adjusting to conditions that are optimal for survival."

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6 Easy, Inexpensive Ways to Support Your Thyroid
Thyroid Health Asher Kleiber, RHN Thyroid Health Asher Kleiber, RHN

6 Easy, Inexpensive Ways to Support Your Thyroid

There are a lot of factors affecting thyroid function, including stress, heavy metal toxicity, poor gut health, nutrient deficiencies, liver congestion and an inflammatory diet. We explore these factors with our clients to help them optimize their thyroid health through personalized nutrition, lifestyle, functional hormone testing and supplementation…

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Is Mitochondrial Health the Key to Overcoming Fatigue?
Adrenal Health Asher Kleiber, RHN Adrenal Health Asher Kleiber, RHN

Is Mitochondrial Health the Key to Overcoming Fatigue?

Your mitochondria matter! We can’t talk about fatigue without addressing our mitochondria. The mitochondria are little energy factories within each one of our cells. The type and function of the cell determines how many mitochondria we should have. For example, our heart cells have thousands of mitochondria in them, due to it being such an energy-consuming organ…

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Anti-Anxiety Tips for a Calm Mind
Mental Health Asher Kleiber, RHN Mental Health Asher Kleiber, RHN

Anti-Anxiety Tips for a Calm Mind

Anxiety seems like a scary word and when you’re experiencing it, it can leave you feeling overwhelmed and spiralling. Today, I’m sharing some tips you can begin implementing to stop the chaos in your mind and help you gain more control over your mood…

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