4 Healthy Drinks You’ll Love This Summer!
Summer is here and we’re super excited too! It can be easy to overindulge in sweets and sweet drinks over the summer, including alcohol. While I do think it’s important to enjoy these warmer months, we also don’t want to throw our healthy living completely out the window!
The Incredible Health Benefits of Sun Exposure + Safe Sun Tips!
There are numerous health benefits of getting regular, safe sun exposure. We all know about the necessity of getting adequate vitamin D through sunshine, which you can read more about here, but the sun provides us with benefits beyond increasing vitamin D levels…
6 Ways to Balance Your Mood With Food
Not enough attention is given to the power that food has to regulate our mood and support mental health. You have so much power over your mind and learning to balance mood by addressing what’s at the end of your fork is a fantastic place to start!
5 Ways to Regulate Your Nervous System and Lower Anxiety
There are numerous ways we can effectively support the body in reducing stress and anxiety. Anxiety is not just in the brain, or simply an imbalance of chemicals in this organ. It has multiple root causes…
A Root Cause of Anxiety and Gut Issues You’ve Never Heard Of
The nervous system is an underrated aspect of our health that needs a lot more attention. It consists of the brain, spinal cord and trillions of nerves throughout the body that control our entire system. Today, I want to talk about one specific nerve that has a massive impact on how our body functions: The Vagus Nerve…
Xenoestrogens: Fake, Toxic, Hormone-Disruptors
Have you heard the term “xenoestrogens” before? If they haven’t been on your radar yet, they will be now. Xenoestrogens (pronounced “zenoestrogens”), are synthetic forms of estrogen we encounter on a daily basis, that increase estrogen and replace our natural, healthy estrogens in the body. They contribute to estrogen dominance, which is a main player in weight gain, PMS…
5 Reasons Your Libido Vanished & How to Get It Back
Having a healthy libido and enjoying intimacy is an important sign of health as a woman (and man). While it’s common to have decreased desire at certain times of the month, if you’re missing this area of your life, that’s something you and your doctor should take note of.
5 Tools for Better, Deeper Sleep
If you struggle with falling or staying asleep, there are many natural tools you can use to get better, deeper sleep. I recommend starting with your diet and sleep hygiene first (check out all the tips below!) and building upon your routine from there…
Sleep Your Way to More Balanced Hormones
If you’ve ever wondered if your sleeping habits are connected to the high levels of stress, anxiety and hormonal concerns you’re dealing with, you’re onto something. Our circadian rhythms, which are intricately linked to our sleep cycle, controls much more than just sleep. It also affects our mood, weight, energy levels, thyroid and adrenal health, fertility…
How to Restore Balance with Functional Medicine
Your body is always fighting for you.
I know it often seems like it's fighting against you, but it's really not. It's working hard around the clock to bring you back into balance. It's a term called homeostasis, which is "any self-regulating process by which biological systems tend to maintain stability, while adjusting to conditions that are optimal for survival."
Prebiotics: What They Are & Why You Need Them
If you've never heard of prebiotics before, they're a key part of keeping our gut microbiome healthy and thriving. They're different than probiotics, but just as important! Together with probiotics, they help regulate immune function…
Why You Need Probiotics for Gut Health Now More Than Ever
What’s changed in the the past few decades that we need probiotics so much more now? We’ve become depleted from a variety of measures, including increased medication use, over sanitization, stress, poor diet…
Change Your Gut Bacteria To Lose Weight in 2022
Happy New Year!
I thought there was no better way to start off the new year than by talking about gut bacteria. The roles our bacteria play in our body are incredible, including the gut microbiota's ability to strongly influence our metabolism and weight…
7 Tips For a Gut-Friendly Christmas
It’s tempting to let your nutrition plan become non-existent for a few weeks in December and “start over” in January. But you will feel SO much better if you continue eating well throughout the rest of the month. It also won’t feel as daunting next month when you “re-start” your healthy lifestyle. After all, it’s called a lifestyle for a reason, it’s not something you turn on and off!
Our Key Supplements for Immunity and Gut Health This Season
No one wants to deal with a cold over the Christmas season - especially now!! We always say the best medicine is prevention, so let’s look at a few ways you can keep your digestion and immune system strong this season….
Is the Impossible Burger Impossibly Toxic?
Have you ever tried the famous “Impossible Burger”? Touted as a healthy, plant-based alternative with a meaty flavour due to their unique “Heme”, the “Impossible Burger” is just about the farthest thing from a “health food” as you can get…
Are You Eating Harmful Fats?
Fats are needed in our diet for many reasons, including building cell membranes and hormones, supporting brain health, vitamin and mineral absorption and some even help lower cholesterol. There is a massive difference between a healthy, cold-pressed olive oil and the trans-fats found in packaged cookies or fries. Not all fats are created equal and eating the wrong type can be detrimental to our health and promote aging…
High Cholesterol? Fat Isn’t The Problem
So you went to your doctor and they told you your cholesterol is elevated, and that “we’ll monitor it”. Maybe they prescribed you statins, a low-fat diet, told you to get tested again in 6 months and sent you on your way. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that low fat diet isn’t going to do you much good. Why?
Why You Should Practice Seed Cycling for Hormonal Balance + Recipe!
Seed cycling is an effective and relatively inexpensive nutritional therapy that makes a great addition to your hormone-balancing protocol. As women, we experience natural fluctuations in our hormones throughout the month and have different nutritional, physical and psychological requirements and desires depending on the time of the month. Before we dive into how to do seed cycling, let’s talk about the different phases of our cycle…
6 Incredible Superfoods for Balanced Hormones
At Winnipeg Nutrition, we firmly believe that food is medicine. Nature provides the most amazing tools to help us heal and stay balanced - that includes our hormones too! Here are some superfoods to add to your healthy diet for more balanced hormones…